With an impressive background including roles at AEG and the LA Galaxy, Serena joined EngageRM in 2021 with a wealth of experience which she uses regularly to support our clients. Learn more about what a day in the life of our Senior Functional Implementation Consultant is like below!  


How would you explain your role at EngageRM? 

SG: So, I guide our clients as we roll out our product within their organisation, so I gather all their requirements and make sure they fit within our product and understand how their processes will change as a result. Effectively, I just make sure they feel comfortable with the solution and hold their hand through that whole process.  


What does an ordinary day look like for you? 

SG: Usually I’ll have a few meetings with clients which can be either really fast or take up some time when work through a few more items. Then I spend the rest of my days following up on action items that come through from either those meetings or other channels to ensure the configuration and testing is happening. Each day I just ensure all the moving parts are still on track so we can hit our deadline.  


Have you always had an interest in sports and technology? 

SG: I’ve always been interested in sports, but not so much the technology side. I kind of fell into CRM because I knew I wanted to work in sports and with a marketing degree, both CRM and marketing go hand in hand. So, I started as the database coordinator and that fell into managing CRM systems and implementing them as well.  


What are some of your favourite things about working for EngageRM? 

SG: Obviously the people is a top one but also the flexibility EngageRM provides and is accepting of is huge. I also love working with our Head of Professional Services, Wayne, he is a great person to have as our leader. Finally, I love that we are at the forefront of sports technology and being able to see where Australia can go in that space, because there is so much room for opportunity.  


What are you aiming to achieve with the work you do? 

SG: I want to ensure our clients are satisfied using the platform and that they are using it to make their day to day lives easier because when they fully adopt our platform, then they will get the most out of it and really enjoy what it can deliver.  


What excites you both professionally and personally? 

SG: Professionally, I’m excited to take on a little bit of a different role and take on some more technical tasks within the implementation side. Personally, I’m excited to watch the World Cup closely, I’ve worked for the LA Galaxy, so soccer is a sport I’m closely tied to.  


Find out what Serena's favourite venue is below

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