Meet our new Scrum Master, Emily! In her role, Emily will coordinate the development team to streamline and improve the development of our platform. Since starting her career as a developer and transitioning to Scrum Master, Emily has a wealth of experience and is ready for a new challenge with us 


What role has sport played in your life? 

EW: I grew up in regional Victoria where everyone learned to play tennis, so that was my sport of choice when I was younger. I also joined a soccer team whilst at university. Nowadays, my kids are the sporty ones and my son has tried just about every sport there is, so it’s come full circle.  


How did you start working with CRM and become a Scrum Master? 

EW: We have some years to cover! I studied maths at university at a time when software engineering took off, so my first job after graduation was as a web developer, and I worked as a full stack software engineer for around 20 years in the end. During that time, I was exposed to scrum, and in 2017 the company I worked for transitioned to it. I volunteered to become their first scrum master and I’ve stuck with it ever since.  


What do you enjoy about it? 

EW: I enjoy helping people be the best they can be and be part of the best team it can be. Learning and understanding how all the team members work best and what environment helps them do that is something I’m passionate about because that’s how the team can work well together and develop a nice flow. 


What drew you to the open role at EngageRM? 

EW: The size of the company was important for me, it’s a great size and growing and that felt like the perfect fit. The flexibility of working remotely is also a really powerful thing that can really help get the best out of people.  


What are you aiming to achieve with the work you’ll do? 

EW: For me, it goes back to what drew me to the role. I want to achieve a setup here where the team are the best they can be both individually and as a collective. I want them to enjoy what they do and be challenged along the way.  


What excites you at the moment? 

EW: Professionally, I’m excited about the new challenge of starting at EngageRM, and building on and improving the agile systems. Personally, I taught myself to surf a few years ago so I’m always on the lookout for a space in my weekend where I can get down to the water.  


Find out what Emily's favourite venue is below

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