If you recognise the name, it’s not because your eyes are deceiving you, Jen really is back! She will be joining our professional services team as a Technical Consultant on a part time basis, which means Jen will be working with us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  


How did you end up working with CRM? 

JH: Through my husband Brent. I’m from Germany and once I moved to Australia permanently, there weren’t many jobs that correlated to my degree, so Brent introduced me to CRM, and I quickly enjoyed working with the platform. I really like everything about the Dynamics platform, so it’s been a nice career change.  


What do you enjoy about the Dynamics platform? 

JH: I like how it really helps clients streamline and improve their processes because with it, there are hundreds of spreadsheets and with valuable information that isn’t being used effectively, or in some cases the CRM itself isn’t used in the best way. So, I think the main benefit of the Dynamics CRM is how it can save so much time and improve the interactions businesses have with clients as well.  


How did you find your way back to EngageRM? 

JH: So, my husband Brent (Howard, Solutions Architect here at EngageRM) mentioned that the team could use some extra members to ensure clients feel really supported and it’s been over one and a half years since I had my daughter Cara, so I was more than ready to dip my toes back into work.  


What are you aiming to achieve with the work that you do? 

JH: For me, I’m always focused on improving the relationship between us and the clients to really keep up that level of happiness. There are always different ways you can continually improve that relationship and that’s what I aim to achieve in my work here at EngageRM.  


What excites you professionally now? 

JH: I’m just excited to get back into work again! I’ve been working for my own business, but it has quietened down so my days were a little flexible. So, I’m excited to bring back some more structure to my days and work with the EngageRM team again! 


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