Michelle is one of our secret weapons, day in, day out she supports multiple departments across EngageRM, saving time and allowing them to shine. A lifelong love of sports, particularly volleyball, and a passion for helping others is what makes Michelle a champion at what she does.
How would you explain your role at EngageRM?
MA: So I’m an Administration Assistant here, which means I do admin, clerical work, and support both Ned (Coten, CEO) and Sarah (Butler, Chief of Staff). I’ve been working with Ned and Sarah for over seven years and have been at EngageRM for two of those, I also support our operations team and can be pulled into tasks in other departments as well.
What does an ordinary day look like for you?
MA: First thing I do is check my pending tasks from the day before and add them to my to do list for the day. That’s when I’ll start to manage and prioritize the tasks I need to complete and check my calendar as well as Ned’s. No day goes by where I don’t receive an email from him to set up a meeting in his diary. The operations team also have our weekly meeting every Monday where we chat through what we’re working on and any pressing tasks.
What are some of your favorite things about working for EngageRM?
MA: I’m based in the Philippines, so the ability to work remotely and from home is great because it means I can be around my family. Also everyone in the business is great to work with, no matter what they’re doing, everyone is kind and accommodating which I really appreciate.
Have you always had an interest in sports and entertainment?
MA: I love sports, specifically volleyball. It was the sport I played all the way from elementary to college, and we won some awards too! I still support my alma mater and watch their games when I can.
What are you aiming to achieve with the work you do?
MA: My aim is to always meaningfully contribute to the business, and to deliver above and beyond what I’m asked to do.
What excites you at the moment?
MA: My eldest is an incoming senior, so I’m looking for a school that will help him develop and set him up for a great career. I’m also excited to see EngageRM grow and expand, I’ve seen firsthand how quickly the business has grown in the two years that I’ve been here, so I’m looking forward to the future.